COVID-19 Vaccine & Booster Information
COVID-19 Vaccine
Everyone age 5 years and older are now eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine.
There are open appointments and walk-up opportunities available, please check the Santa Barbara County Public Health website for updates. Ensure that you scroll down the page to find the up-to-date Community Vaccination Clinics listed as well as additional vaccination opportunities.
The Call Center is open 7 days per week to answer vaccine questions as well as assist the community in making vaccinations appointments. The community can reach the Call Center by calling 2-1-1.
Text GETVAX to 438829 to find your nearest vaccine site.
Register for a vaccine appointment on MyTurn. If you have any questions about the MyTurn process please call 833-422-4255.
Smartsheet COVID-19 Vaccine Request Application for Bed Bound/Homebound Individuals: This free service is specifically for individuals or caregiving loved ones who are 12 and up who are unable to leave their home to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, including those who have already received at least one dose of a vaccine prior to discharge from a hospital and are looking for a second dose or a booster. For more information, please visit here. Call 805-696-1160 or email
COVID-19 Vaccine Frequently Asked Questions.
COVID-19 Vaccine Booster
Up to date COVID-19 Vaccine Booster information on eligibility and vaccine locations can be found on the Santa Barbara County Public Health website. Third doses for immunocompromised people can be found here.
COVID-19 boosters are available for eligible individuals at Rite Aid and CVS. Schedule an appointment here at Rite Aid or at CVS here.