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Isla Vista Parking Study

The Isla Vista Parking Action Plan was approved by the Isla Vista Community Services District Board of Directors on November 12, 2024. 

The process to finalize the plan included meetings with UC Santa Barbarba's and the County of Santa Barbara's top leadership.


FINAL_Isla Vista_Parking Action Plan_11152024.pdfFINAL_Isla Vista_Parking Needs Assessment_11122024.pdfFINAL_Isla Vista_Existing Conditions Assessment_11152024.pdfFINAL_Isla Vista_Attachment A_On-Street Occupancy Results_11072024.pdfFINAL_Isla Vista_Attachment B_On-Street Turnover_11072024.pdfFINAL_Isla Vista_Attachment C_On-Street Repeat Parking Data_11072024.pdfFINAL_Isla Vista_Attachment D_Survey Results_11082024.pdf



About The Isla Vista Parking Study:

IVCSD is working with Dixon Resource Unlimited as the consultant on this project. The study will conduct a year’s worth of comprehensive data collection of Isla Vista parking, with both quantitative and qualitative data on parking spaces and users. This data will clearly illustrate the ebb and flow of parking demand throughout the day, week, season, and year including during peak times. The study will also consider the complexity of the many agencies serving the Isla Vista area and the many stakeholders involved while focusing on equity.

In the past, parking studies conducted regarding Isla Vista have yet to include local community oversight or engagement. This study is intended to be locally driven and comprehensive.

Based on the data, Dixon will develop several recommendations of options that can alleviate the parking challenges. The study is scheduled to conclude by the end of summer 2024, and the goal is for the final report to be adopted in fall 2024. The IVCSD will then work with all stakeholders to select and implement recommendations incrementally. 

In summary, the project will consist of data collection, community outreach, demonstration projects, an Isla Vista Parking Existing Conditions Report, an Isla Vista Parking Needs Assessment Report, and a set of policy options to meet parking challenges, objectives, and needs for consideration. 

The total cost of the study is $246,000. IVCSD, UC Santa Barbara, and the County of Santa Barbara are funding it at $82,000 each, in order to make this study an equal partnership to solve a shared issue. There is a project steering committee composed of IVCSD, UCSB, and the County.

A graphic with photos and titles of consulting team members, plus a list of steering committee names from various organizations.


Watch our Most Recent Parking Study Update:

 IVCSD Parking Committee - Meeting Recording - 2024-02-12


How to get Involved:

Check here for the most updated info on all the ways to get involved and stay involved in the Isla Vista Parking Study! All upcoming events and opportunities will always be listed below. 

May contain: advertisement, poster, book, and publication
Flyer for The Parking Committee Public Meetings

Review and Provide Feedback on the new Parking & Mobility Draft Reports by November 1st, 2024

  • IVCSD and Dixon Resources Unlimited have released a second draft of the Isla Vista Parking & Mobility Needs Assessment. Community Members can provide feedback using this Google Form until November 1st. 

Attend IVCSD's Board of Directors Parking Committee Public Meetings

  • Held on the first Tuesday of each month at 6pm on Zoom and in person at the Isla Vista Community Room, 970 Embarcadero Del Mar.
  • Visit our parking committee webpage for the Zoom link and for more info.

Stay Connected

  • Follow our Instagram: @islavistacsd. We always post opportunities for involvement!
  • Fill out our Parking Study Interest Form to receive live updates directly to your email.
  • Continue to check this webpage!

Get Caught Up

  • Watch a recording of our most recent Parking Committee Public Meeting : Watch Here.
  • You can find all of our past meeting recordings on Youtube by searching "IVCSD Parking Committee".

Stay Tuned for Future Parking Study Events

  • We will be hosting community workshops, inviting residents to participate in surveys, hosting demonstrations and pop-up events, tabling, canvassing, and more. We are hoping to schedule our next round of community meetings in April or May of 2024 - stay tuned!
  • We will continuously update this webpage with upcoming events as they arise. 


What We've Done so Far:

A busy indoor event with people seated at tables, some standing and conversing, and background artwork.
Parking Study + Transportation Town Hall

IV Parking Study Fiirst DRAFT Reports and Feedback Survey: June 2024

  • Using all the community feedback and data collected so far, IVCSD and Dixon provided a DRAFT of the Isla Vista Needs Assessment and Existing Conditions Reports. Community members were able to give feedback on the draft at the Town Hall in May and through an online survey in June. Click Here to access the DRAFT report. 

Parking Study + Transportation Town Hall: May 15th, 2024

  • IVCSD hosted a second Town Hall, this time combining elements of the wider transportation network along with parking. Participants were asked to prioritize and provide comment on a list of potential policy & infrastructure improvements tailored specifically for Isla Vista.

Focus Groups - Round 2: May 15th & 16th, 2024

  • IVCSD hosted a second round of Focus Groups, expanding on the information provided by participants from previous focus group meetings. Participants were asked to prioritize and provide comment on a list of potential policy & infrastructure improvements tailored specifically for Isla Vista.

The Isla Vista Parking Survey: Oct 2023 - Jan 2024

  • We collected over 1,200 survey responses!

Parking Study Town Hall #1: Nov 1st, 2023

  • IVCSD hosted our first Parking Study Town Hall, informing participants about the Parking Study and listening to participants' concerns and issues regarding parking in Isla Vista.
A group of people in a meeting room with a projector, eating and listening to a speaker.
Focus Group Meeting

Focus Groups - Round 1 : Nov 2024

  • In an effort to ensure that all stakeholder groups in Isla Vista have the opportunity to be involived in the Parking Study, IVCSD held focus group meetings with families in Isla Vista, property providers, local businesses, County Public Works, The Fire Department, West Sanitary District, CHP,  UCSB PD, SBCC students, and UCSB students.

Monthly on-street data collection: April 2023 - April 2024

  • A year's worth of data was collected measuring on-street occupancy and other parking trends in Isla Vista



What is your vision for this project? 

We envision an equitable Isla Vista where residents and visitors of all ages and abilities are able to move through, to, and from the community safely. This study aims to alleviate the parking challenges that the Isla Vista community faces by incorporating feedback from a diverse range of stakeholders"

When will community outreach begin? 

Community outreach will begin in summer 2023 with focus groups and officially kick off in fall 2023 at a town hall meeting on November 1st at 6:30pm at the Isla Vista Community Center. Residents can expect opportunities to engage in workshops, pop-ups, demonstration events, surveys, and will see IVCSD staff out in the community tabling and canvassing to hear more about residents’ experiences with parking in Isla Vista. 

How can I get involved? 

This is a community-driven process and the outcomes will be shaped by resident input. We will be hosting community workshops, inviting residents to participate in surveys, hosting demonstrations and pop-up events, tabling, canvassing, and more.

  • Attend IVCSD's Board of Directors Parking Committee public meetings
    • Held on the first Tuesday of each month at 6pm on Zoom and in person at the Isla Vista Community Room, 970 Embarcadero Del Mar.
    • Visit our parking committee webpage for the Zoom link and for more info.

Please sign up for our email updates and follow us on Instagram @islavistacsd & Facebook "Isla Vista Community Services District - IVCSD." If you have any questions or comments, please contact

When will the Parking Study be complete? 

IVCSD staff, with assistance from Dixon and community partner organizations and volunteers, will be organizing, planning, and executing community outreach and engagement activities that feed into the Isla Vista Parking Existing Conditions Report and the Isla Vista Parking Needs Assessment Report. That project is scheduled to be completed in Fall 2024.


Read more here:

Isla Vista Parking Study Proposal 09-20-2022-1.pdf