Deltopia 2024 Events + Resources
Let's Keep it Safe, Keep it Local
IVCSD Spring Festival 2024

Check out this interactive map of all the public bathrooms, free food, water stations, safety stations, medical services & more!

2024 Events
Saturday, April 6
IVCSD Spring Festival
1pm-6pm | Little Acorn Park
Thank you to Farmacy for supporting our event!
The Warm-Up Concert
7 pm – 10pm | UCSB Events Center Thunderdome
Associated Students Program Board is hosting its annual Warm Up Concert. Doors open at 5:30pm. Tickets are $5 for UCSB students only and will be available the first week of Spring quarter online from the AS Ticket Office. Capacity of the event will be limited. Learn more here!
What is in the new County Outdoor Festival and Social Host Ordinance?
Outdoor Festival = an outdoor party or social gathering on residential property with a musical activity, including a DJ, band, or prerecorded amplified music, and with more than 250 attendees.
A party or social gathering will be shut down immediately if it includes any one of the following year-round:
- Paid entry: requires a ticket, purchase, donation for entry, or a “cover charge”
- Alcohol is being sold, for purchase / after donation, or is provided to minors
- If you or someone you know is experiencing any form of sexual violence
- People on rooftops
- People climbing fences onto bluffs/cliffs
- Felonies or serious misdemeanors
- Attendance exceeds 250 people
Violators of the Outdoor Festival & Social Host Ordinances will receive a misdemeanor
Be Aware of Safety & Parking Information for Weekend of 4/5 & 4/6 & 4/7
- No audible music of any kind between 6pm-7am
- Per the City of Goleta, expected DUI Checkpoint at Los Carneros on Saturday
- Per the Sheriff's Office, expect road closures on Trigo, Sabado Tarde and Del Playa 4/6 9am-early evening. If you need to leave in your vehicle during that time, plan to park elsewhere.
- Food deliveries and ride shares will not be allowed onto Trigo, Sabado Tarde, or Del Playa. Please make arrangements to pick up your food or ride at the intersections with Trigo or at the top of the loop.
- Per the Sheriff’s Office, Restorative Justice citations will not be issued from 6am Saturday to 6am Sunday.
- You might hear that this has been declared a "Mass Casualty Event" or "MCI." Per the Sheriff's Office, there are no known threats to the event. Instead, these events can overwhelm EMS systems so this ensures hospitals and EMS personnel are properly staffed for the expected increase in medical emergencies as a result of Deltopia.
- Last year there were 60 medical calls during Deltopia, 33 requiring hospitalizations. Please remember that EMS & hospital workers are caring for the entire community, not just Isla Vista. Be mindful that others need care too.
Know Your Rights
- If you see someone in an emergency just call 911. The Good Samaritan Law will protect you when you voluntarily assist others in an emergency in good faith, this covers people who are underage drinking or using illegal substances.
- Associated Students Legal Resource Center provides free services for UCSB students only. Located at The Pardall Center 805-893-4246.
A few ACLU points if you are approached by police:
- Don't run.
- Don't argue with the officer.
- Don't carry open containers of alcohol in public.
- Don't lie about your name.
- Tell the officer your correct name if asked.
- Don't give officers permission to search you.
- Don't resist arrest or interfere with an officer arresting someone else.
Community Safety Resources
- Isla Vista Safety Stations on Fridays & Saturdays 8pm-2am Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters: Friday 4/5 (Little Acorn Park and Window to the Sea, 8pm-2am) & Saturday 4/6 (Little Acorn Park only, 12pm-2am). Free services: safety escorts, water, cell phone charging, a safe space to rest, and to report emergencies. Call 805-893-2000 or walk up for a safety escort by SSPs, unarmed UCSB students.
- SSPs are students employed by UCPD to serve all in the greater community of UCSB and Isla Vista and are not law enforcement. SSPs act as a liaison between UCSB students, the community, and the police department. SSPs also provide safety escorts on campus and in Isla Vista to all, including non-UCSB affiliates. SSPs patrol the campus 365 days a year, reporting crimes in progress, assisting in emergency situations, and detecting safety hazards.
- Survivor Resource Center: Confidential 24/7 Hotline 805-564-3696 provided by Standing Together To End Sexual Assault (STESA). STESA provides information, advocacy, support, accompaniment, and counseling for survivors, their friends & family.
- Santa Barbara County Behavioral Wellness 24/7 Hotline: 888-868-1649, available 24/7
- Santa Barbara Response Network: 805-699-5608
- UCSB CAPS 24/7 Hotline: 805-893-4411, available 24/7
- UCSB Alcohol and Drug Counseling: 805-893-5013
- SBCC The Well: 805-965-0581 x 4702
Keep Yourself & Neighbors Safe
- Be a Responsible Party Host. Call IV Foot Patrol if you need assistance.
- The community has historically seen numerous tragic incidents related to cliff, balcony, and roof falls. Stay back from the fence and railings along the bluffs and do not attempt to scale them for any reason.
- Be cautious and aware to not overload balconies and do not lean or sit on the edge of the balcony.
- Have a plan. Ensure you have friends’ contact info and discuss with friends about how you’re going to get home. See resource section for safety numbers to save.
- Information about the dangers of mixing drugs and alcohol can be found at UCSB's Life of the Party.
- Naloxone kits and Fentanyl Test Strips are available for free, find overdose prevention information here
- Look out for yourself, your friends, and your neighbors! Get trained through Green Dot Bystander Intervention Training for free at UCSB CARE.
- Isla Visa is home to many families and youth, please be aware and respectful of your actions in family-oriented communities
- Providing and purchasing age-restricted substances for minors is illegal and can be dangerous for youth. Please discourage such action amongst peers.
- See something, say something.
- Parked cars should not block driveways, red/yellow curbs, or stay in one spot longer than 72hrs - the bus is excellent in IV & to Downtown, easy to ditch the car!
Party Safety For All - Meeting Notes & Recap
Prior to Deltopia, the IVCSD held a Party Safety Meeting with a number of community partners, including: Life of the Party, Gauchos for Recovery, The EVPLA Office, IV Foot Patrol, and our Interpersonal Violence Investigator. The goal of the meeting was to inform all community members on how to be the best neighbor, ally, and friend during this year's Deltopia.
While the meeting could not be recorded due to the sensitive nature of some of the topics, our partners provided a recap of talking points covered during the meeting:
Life of the Party:
- Alcohol Poisoning Symptoms:
- Won't wake up
- Vomiting while passed out
- Slow/irregular breathing
- Changes to skin tone
- Extreme confusion
- Drug Overdose Symptoms:
- Won't wake up
- Changes in temperature (stimulants increase temperature, depressants decrease temperature)
- Abnormal breathing (stimulates speed up breathing, depressants slow down breathing)
- Abnormal skin tone
- Abnormal pulse (stimulates speed up pulse, depressants slow down pulse)
- Good Samaritan Law:
- You cannot get in trouble if you call 911.
- You will not be arrested or charged if you call 911 on someone if you yourself are intoxicated.
- You are not liable if anything happens to the person.
- You are not charged if the person ends up not needing a ride in the ambulance and only requires a check-up.
- Mixing:
- Drinking followed by weed - Drinking can enhance the effects of weed
- Weed followed by drinking - Can minimize the effects of alcohol (might be more drunk than you realize)
- Nicotine can make the alcohol's effects on the body dimmer and increase excessive alcohol consumption
- Mixing ketamine and alcohol makes people unresponsive to stimuli and may experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, involuntary rapid eye movement, dilated pupils, salivation, and stiff muscles
IV Foot Patrol:
- Bluff Safety: The bluffs along Isla Vista’s coastline are dangerous to stand on. Falls from the bluffs occur nearly every year, sometimes with fatal consequences. Please remain on the proper side of all fencing or railing near the bluff’s edge to prevent injury.
- Restorative Justice: The Restorative Justice program will be suspended from April 6th at 6 am to April 7th at 6 am. All citations issued during this period will be sent to the courts.
- Parties: The festival and social host ordinances have changed. Some of these changes include hosts cannot collect fees, donations, or sell tickets to a party in a residential zone. Hosts cannot sell alcohol without a permit, and parties with more than 250 people in attendance on a residential property are prohibited.
- Open Containers: In Isla Vista, it is illegal to possess an open container of alcohol in public, including on the streets and sidewalks. Additionally, if you are under 21, it is illegal to possess alcohol at all.
- Drink Responsibly: Please drink responsibly, avoid drinking to excess, and ensure you have a safe way to get home. Use the buddy system!
- Noise Ordinance: The noise curfew will be in effect during Deltopia weekend starting Friday, April 5th, and ending April 8th. During this period, music cannot be audible from a residence or business between the hours of 6 pm and 7 am the following day, each day.
- DUI Checkpoint: There will be a DUI checkpoint in the area during Deltopia weekend at an undisclosed location. Please drive safely and elect a designated driver if you plan to travel.
- Good Samaritan Exemption: Under the Good Samaritan Law, if you observe a person experiencing a drug or alcohol overdose, and you’re sober, intoxicated, or under the influence at the time you call for aid, you and that person face no liability. This law was created to encourage bystanders to assist in emergencies and is one of the community’s most powerful tools during Deltopia weekend.
- Goleta Parking Restrictions: The City of Goleta’s parking permit program will be in place from Friday, April 5th through Sunday, April 7th. Parking permits are issued for the Goleta neighborhoods closest to Isla Vista: University 1 and University 2 neighborhoods, including the Cannon Green Condominium complex. The boundaries are: Cannon Green Drive to the west, Hollister Avenue to the north, Storke Road to the east and Whittier Drive to the south. A map and FAQs can be found here:
Gauchos For Recovery:
- During Deltopia, overdose prevention kits will be available at all UCIV stations
- The big three signs of overdose are pinpoint pupils, slow breathing, and unresponsiveness. In these cases, narcan should be given to the person.
- Testing your drugs for fentanyl is extremely important, as well as very easy. To avoid overdose from a laced substance, test them using fentanyl test strips and carry narcan.
- Before Deltopia, come get overdose prevention kits at Embarcadero Hall room 1105 for free.
Even More Resources
- Isla Vista Community Calendar - Don’t forget to check out all the classes at the Community Center! Yoga, dance classes, computer literacy, and more!
- Follow us on Instagram @islavistacsd or on Facebook @IVCSD
- Sign up for our newsletter here.