Interpersonal Violence Investigation and Prevention Program
Oct. 2022 Update:
Isla Vista Community Service District (IVCSD) partnered with the University of California Santa Barbara Police to create and fund a dedicated Interpersonal Violence Investigator (IVI) in 2018. It was one of the first examples of IVCSD’s leadership improving law enforcement service delivery in Isla Vista. The IVI immediately provided tangible benefits to survivors as a result of the purposeful, dedicated service of this detective. Community members also benefited from the knowledge shared through training facilitated by the IVI detective.
The selected IVI left to pursue other opportunities, resulting in a temporary pause in this program. UCPD has been actively recruiting police officers and hopes to move forward with recruiting another detective when staffing levels allow. UCPD and IVCSD are committed to this valuable program. In the meantime, these law enforcement services are being provided traditionally.
UCPD and IVCSD continue to partner, providing Isla Vista with two Safety Stations on weekend nights when school is in session, with plans for a third. Between August 2021 and June 2022, twenty-three thousand four hundred thirty-eight (23,438) community members received services from these Safety Stations.
In partnership with the University of California Police Department (UCPD), the IVCSD created the Interpersonal Violence Investigator position in November 2018 to work directly with survivors, suspects, and witnesses to successfully investigate interpersonal violence-related crimes in Isla Vista such as sexual assault and stalking. This is done in a trauma-informed manner that is centered on supporting survivors of such crimes. The creation of this position is aimed to ensure high-quality investigations for these crimes to lead to more successful prosecutions by the District Attorney.
The investigator will also work with the CSD to provide preventative services against interpersonal violence, including community education and outreach. Working together with CARE and STESA, the Investigator will serve as a crucial guide for survivors and facilitators of difficult processes such as case investigation.
Board Reports on IVI:
2019-2020 Contract with UCPD for IVI
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