Isla Vista Clean Air Centers
IVCSD applied for and was awarded $10,224 in funding from the California Air Resources Board Wildfire Smoke Clean Air Center grant. In the event of a fire or smoke hazard in Isla Vista, IVCSD will open the Isla Vista Community Center and Community Room as clean-air centers. IVCSD’s community spaces will be equipped with portable air cleaners and N-95 masks. Residents can come to these spaces for respite from the smoke, and receive food, and other resources.
Thanks to countywide partnerships, the outreach will be focused on targeting different community groups in Isla Vista. IVCSD will collaborate with key stakeholders to promote these services for residents and community members to receive support. When deployed, emergency preparedness and planning resources, housing relocation services, mental health resources, food, water, blankets, board games, first aid kits, wifi, and more will be available at both clean air centers in Isla Vista.
Over the years, California wildfires have increased in severity and intensity. These fires produce heavy smoke that has impacted nearly all of the state and blanketed communities for days or even weeks at a time. Creating significant exposures to toxic air for the people in these communities. The grant is a statewide program that aims to create a string of clean air centers throughout California, especially in areas most vulnerable to wildfires. The goals of the program are to ensure clean air centers are regulated and safe, reach each diverse community in Isla Vista, spread awareness of clean air spaces and emergency resources, and maintain an inclusive, welcoming, and calm environment.