STESA: Standing Together to End Sexual Assault

Standing Together to End Sexual Assault (STESA) is a private, non-profit organization that provides confidential counseling and support services to survivors of sexual assault and their loved ones.
Since their inception, STESA has provided counseling and prevention services to thousands of sexual assault survivors and the Santa Barbara community in general.
24 Hour Hotline: (805)564-3696
- Trained advocates are always available to provide confidential counseling and information over the phone.
- The STESA hotline is the entryway to all of their services
It can be difficult to know what you need at first, advocates can be there to help you explore all of your options to help decide what will be best for you.
- In-person support and legal guidance
- Connections to mental health services
- 24 Hour Hotline:(805)564-3696
Counseling Services:
- Survivors may receive in-person crisis counseling at our office, without an appointment.
- Walk-in hours are Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- We also offer long-term counseling and group counseling for survivors who have already begun healing and are interested in further exploring their feelings and relationships, or the impact of sexual violence on their lives.
Advocacy and Accompaniment:
STESA advocates are available to help a survivor navigate their medical and legal options. In conjunction with our local partners, STESA can help a survivor:
- Receive medical attention related to an assault
- Make a police report
- Obtain an Emergency Protective Order
- Assess for emergency services such as, shelter, food and/or transportation
- Apply for a U-Visa or T-Visa, if appropriate
- Receive referrals for other services
Important to Know:
- You always have a chance to process and figure out what route is best for you beforehand.
- It can be difficult to know what you need at first, advocates can be there to help you explore all of your options to help decide what to do.
More About STESA:
The STESA Hotline is the entryway to all of their services. When you call, you are connected with a case manager who will help assess which STESA program will be the best fit for your needs:
- Crisis counseling - immediate (free)
- Long term Counseling services (sliding scale)
- Support groups
- Self defense classes
When you call the STESA hotline in Crisis, The STESA Crisis team responds on the phone and can send an advocate to meet you at any of the following safe locations:
- The survivor's home
- At law enforcement
- Or at the survivor safe space in Isla Vista
Once you meet with an advocate, you can either..
- Make an anonymous report through STESA (none of your information is collected and your case can still be investigated)
- File an incident report
- Ask more questions about all of the options available to you and whaty they might look like
It is important to keep in mind that you can change your mind at any point.
Are you seeking support for a friend or loved one?
- You can call STESA as a friend looking for ways to support
- Significant others of survivors can also receive services and support from STESA