The Thriving Initiative: Healing & Coping Tools Without Reliving Trauma

The Thriving Initiative (TTI) is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization primarily serving student survivors of interpersonal violence (sexual assault, stalking, dating/domestic violence) and their allies in the Santa Barbara area.
Join our programs to learn effective responses to triggers, explore unique coping tools, and gain a supportive community - all without having to share your past trauma. To help increase comfort levels, you can participate in varying degrees of anonymity.
Visit The Thriving Initiative Website
We offer multiple healing programs all created to support the needs and comfort of survivors. Programs are geared towards community healing and growth welcoming UCSB students and community members of all identities.
Our free keystone program, Thriving, Not Just Surviving (TNJS), is held every academic quarter at UCSB consisting of specialist-led weekly workshops with trauma-informed facilitators including separate individualized groups for undergraduate and graduate students. TNJS’ weekly workshops focus on introducing diverse restorative and therapeutic techniques for physical and mental well-being creating opportunities for survivors and allies to build community.
What is unique about all of our programs is that no disclosure of past trauma is needed to join. This is not a space where participants discuss past trauma but where they are united by their healing journeys and focused on a positive way forward together.
Benefits of Our Programs:
Our programs teach a variety of obtainable and practical coping tools to help anchor yourself when triggers arise. Participants can explore approaches that feel suitable to them to provide more ease and comfort in daily life.
After participating in our programs, students report a significant positive impact on their daily life in many ways such as; a decrease in sleeping difficulties, flashbacks, and feelings of anxiety. In addition, students report stronger feelings of community, and safety, and a gained confidence in their ability to utilize coping strategies when triggers arise.
Taking the Next Step:
Are our programs right for you? Come as you are. The healing journey is not linear and we meet survivors where they are. Only you know when you are ready to join a healing program. Our programs are intended to be a supplement resource to professional support to help survivors learn more about themselves as they continue along their journey. Take a look at what programs we have to offer and see which one would fit best for you! The Thriving Initiative: Programs
Explore Our Community of Survivors' Stories Firsthand
We are honored to serve survivors and grateful to have our community continuously growing. Hear from past participants in our community about their experiences in our programs: Participant Testimonials
"Before this workshop, I felt very isolated and felt like I was around nobody who could understand where I was coming from. [After participating] I feel stronger, more self-aware, & calmer."2024 Participant
“Every time I left this workshop, I felt so light and happy. This felt like my weekly safe space where I could be myself.”2024 Participant
"This workshop lined up with a very difficult time in my [life] regarding past trauma. It’s been incredibly difficult. Having a trigger-free place to let my guard down for once is irreplaceable. Being able to work on feeling safe in my body and my mind, without mention of trauma so important to me."2021 Participant

Watch: About The Thriving Initiative
Get Started
Visit to begin your healing journey