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UCSB CARE: Direct Connection to a Free & Confidential Survivor Advocate

Campus, Advocacy, Resources, and Education (CARE) is UC Santa Barbara’s confidential advocacy and education office for interpersonal violence (sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking). CARE offers free and confidential services for students, staff, faculty, alumni, community members, and friends/loved ones impacted interpersonal and gender-based violence and we provide violence prevention education for the entire UCSB campus

CARE's mission is to provide professionally designed services for the prevention and intervention of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking and harassment. All services are free and confidential and are available to students, staff, and faculty of all identities. Through policy development and community collaborations CARE is committed to survivor empowerment and a public health approach for prevention.

Visit the UCSB CARE Website

 CARE 24-hour advocacy line: 805-893-4613

For appointments or to speak with a CARE Advocate call 24/7 Advocacy Line, or make an appointment online: 

It can be difficult to know what you need at first, advocates can be there to help you explore all of your options to help decide what will be best for you.  

Services & Offerings

  • Specialized services for UC Santa Barbara Students, Staff, & Faculty
  • Office locations on Campus and in Isla Vista 
  • Provides services in-person or via Zoom/phone.
  • Offers community-based primary prevention education trainings and healing programs 
  • Survivor Services Overview: 
    • Emotional: employ mental health first aid, crisis intervention, empathetic listening, empowerment-based problem solving, and health and well-being psychoeducational.
    • Medical: accompany survivors to appointments and support their navigation of the medical processes.
    • Academic: facilitate reasonable accommodations with faculty and colleges to ensure uninterrupted access to education
    • Reporting: inform survivors of the reporting options, monitor rights through the process, accompany survivors during all meetings and interviews, and follow up case management with reporting entities. 
    • Safety: support the creation of comprehensive safety plans, and ensure access to safety measures such as no-contact orders (campus and civil), housing accommodations, and access to emergency housing
    • Financial: serve as a liaison with a variety of funding resources to mitigate burden and elevate financial support needs. 
    • Holistic Referrals: ensure connection to the full ecosystem of mental health and physical health resources which may include therapy, medication, support groups etc.  CARE will act as a survivor's single point of contact to avoid bouncing between resources, departments, or agencies.