Waste Disposal
Personal Belongings:
- If you are planning on selling your items on Free and For Sale, please clean them and practice social distancing when exchanging the items. Remember to wear a mask.
- If you would like to donate your belongings to the community, please visit one of the local thrift stores or donation centers.
Donate/Sell your Belongings:
- You can find a list of stores open in Goleta, Santa Barbara, and Ventura on the GIVE Sale webpage.
Waste Disposal
Waste Management Trifold.pdf(For a complete list of how to dispose of hazardous waste, please see the brochure above)
Regular Trash Pick-up:
- Your regular trash collection is by MarBorg on certain days.
- FULL DUMPSTER, before overflowing, call 805-963-1852 and request service.
- Green waste, construction material, carpet, paint, lumber, remodeling material, drywall, kitchen, or plumbing fixture, and green and hazardous waste DO NOT go into your regular trash bin.
- For more information visit: www.lessismore.org/material_categories/6-trash/
- County Information
Electronic Waste:
- State of California law prohibits the disposal of electronic waste (anything with a plug or battery) in the trash or in curbside recycling containers.
- E-waste includes: Cell phones, printer cartridges, small and large appliances, such as TVs, computers, audio, and visual equipment.
- Take your e-waste to one of several drop-off sites within the county or set it aside at the curb line during Move Out.
- For more information visit: www.LessIsMore.org/ewaste
- Place the batteries in a zip-top plastic bag.
- Put the bag on top of (not inside) your recycling container on your normally scheduled recycling collection day.
- For rechargeable batteries, please tape the ends of each battery with clear tape so that the battery poles are not exposed (skip this step for single-use batteries).
- For more information visit: www.LessIsMore.org/ewaste
Bulky Items:
- WEEKLY ON WEDNESDAY MarBorg will pick-up a single, bulky item left at the curb, such as a mattress or couch. Items should be put out Tuesday night but no earlier than Tuesday afternoon.
- MarBorg also offers bulky item pick-up every day during the annual move-out period. Move-out begins the Wednesday before graduation and lasts for two weeks.
- Remember: Depositing litter on private, open, or vacant property is a violation of Santa Barbara County Code and California Penal Code.
Green Waste:
- Green waste is any organic waste like leaves or brush, can be disposed of in GREEN bins. It is used by the county to create mulch.
- New regulations on disposing of eucalyptus & oleander: https://lessismore.org/articles/new-eucalyptus-and-oleander-separation-requirements/
Food Waste Composting:
- The Isla Vista Composting Collective provides regular composting services throughout the community. Compost now by signing up on the waitlist for the composting program. Sign up and for more information visit: https://islavistacompost.com/
- Residents can also participate by composting at home. Earth Machine composting bins can be purchased from the County for $45.
- IV residents can also drop off their food scraps at the Isla Vista Co-op.
Food Donations
- Food items that are safe to eat, healthy, and unopened (like bags of chips or uncut produce) can also be donated. Click here for more information. Local agencies that accept donations are listed below: UCSB Associated Students FoodbankCatholic CharitiesShowers of BlessingsMichaels Café Picasso
Hazardous Waste:
- Hazardous waste is an industrial by-product from the manufacture of chemicals, for example, batteries, aerosol cans, fluorescent lights, gardening supplies, sharps, and pharmaceutical waste, see categories at: http://lessismore.org/material_categories/4-hazardous-waste/
- If you must dispose of your waste, there are designated waste collection centers. For locations visit: http://lessismore.org/materials/175-county-waste-facilities/#haz
Textile Recycling
- Textiles that are too worn to be donated can be dropped off for recycling at different locations throughout the county. Find more information on textile recycling here.
- Extend the life of your items by donating them. Used clothes, home goods, and furniture can be used over and over again before being sent to the landfill. Organizations like GIVE, will accept donations of home goods to be used by new Isla Vista Residents. Clothing can be donated to Showers of Blessings or the Isla Vista Free Clothes Box.
Important Contacts
Business Food Scraps Collection:
IV Business Food Donation:
IV Code Enforcement:
Residential Collection Information:
Community Hazardous Waste Collection Center
- 805-882-3602
- www.LessIsMore.org/hazwaste
E-Waste & Household Medications
- 805-882-3603
- www.LessIsMore.org/ewaste www.LessIsMore.org/meds
MarBorg Industries:
- 805-963-1852
- www.MarBorg.com
Useful Websites:
If you're interested in joining or starting an eco-conscious club or group, connect with other folks who share the same interests through these local sites:
- UCSB Sustainability
- Associated Students Pardall Center
- UCSB Office of Student Life
- UCSB Environmental Studies Departmental Website
For more information on Isla Vista waste management programs, please call (805) 882-3600.