IV Census 2020

Isla Vista Residents (those physically here right now & those not due to COVID-19),
We at the Isla Vista Community Service District (IVCSD), your local government, are providing awareness about correctly filling out the 2020 Census for Isla Vista and making sure everyone is counted. This ensures Isla Vista gets the representation and funding it deserves and needs for the next 10 years.
- It's quick and easy. The 2020 Census questionnaire will take about 10 minutes to complete.
- It's safe, secure, and confidential. Your information and privacy are protected.
- Your response helps to direct millions of dollars in federal funds to Isla Vista for schools, roads, and other public services.
- Results from the 2020 Census will be used to determine the number of seats California has in Congress and your political representation at all levels of government.
How to Fill Out the Census, with FAQ below:
If you and/or your housemates is in Isla Vista, have one person collect everyone else's information who lives at your residence and fill out the census. Make sure to fill it out for ALL residents, including those not in Isla Vista currently due to COVID-19 or those not on the lease (the information is completely confidential).
Fill out the Census for where in Isla Vista you would have been on April 1, 2020 (the week after UCSB & SBCC's Spring Break) if it were not for the COVID-19 Pandemic. Count ALL residents, those on and off the lease.
If none of your housemates have chosen to stay in Isla Vista, please designate one of your housemates to fill out the Census for the entire household online (by visiting my2020census.gov). Same as above applies otherwise.
When filling out the Census, please collect in advance the other residents’ ethnicites and birthdays (as the Census asks specific questions about that).
And we recommend that you answer Yes to the question about living at your residence on April 1, 2020 even if you (or your housemates) were not staying here at that time due to COVID-19.
"Per the Census Bureau’s residence criteria, in most cases students living away from home at school should be counted at school, even if they are temporarily elsewhere due to the COVID-19 pandemic." (Press Release, 3/15/20). This means you should fill out the census as if you were still living in Isla Vista. If your parents have already counted you or your housemates, please still include them since the Census is able to eliminate duplicates.
An accurate count of the Census will allow Isla Vista to receive more funding for public works, schools, and safety measures for the next 10 years. If you are interested in helping make a difference in our community, please see the bottom of the page for volunteering opportunities.
Thank you for helping us make sure IVCounts!
For more information, contact generalmanager@islavistacsd.com or marsano-v@ucsb.edu.

What do I do if I have already left IV due to COVID-19?
Please designate one of your roommates to fill out the census who is staying in IV and locate the invitation sent in the mail.
If none of your housemates stayed in IV OR you can't find the invitation, please visit my2020census.gov and still designated one person who lives at your address to collect all of the information of other residents and fill it out.
What do I do if I am at home and my parents are filling out their census? Am I included?
If you have already filled out the census for your IV residence, than you should not be included in your parents' census.
If you have not yet filled out your census, you should fill out your census for your IV residence.
If your parents counted you, the Census has a way to filter that out and count you in Isla Vista.
My roommates moved back to their hometowns due to COVID-19, do I still count them?
Yes, since they normally reside in IV for most of the year, they should still be counted at their IV residence.
I lost my mail instructions. How do I fill outmy census?
Please go online at my2020census.gov and fill out the census for your address.
What do I do if my parents already counted me as being home?
If your parents only reported that you live at home, please call 844-330-2020 (Census Call Center #) to report a correction to your parent(s)' census.
How do I fill out the Census if I live at multiple IV residences during the year?
Please fill out your census for the address at which you resided on April 1, 2020.
If you were not living in IV on April 1 due to COVID-19, please fill out the census for the IV address you stayed prior to leaving IV. If the residents have already filled out their census, please call 844-330-2020 (Census Call Center #) to report a correction to your that address' census.
If on April 1, 2020 you lived with UC Santa Barbara, a Greek Chapter House, or Tropicana, then you do not need to do anything, you have already been counted.