Who is a Survivor?
CARE uses the term 'survivor' instead of 'victim' to refer to those who are impacted by interpersonal violence and/or harassment. 'Survivor' is used as a term of empowerment and is widely accepted in advocacy and activist circles to signify movement towards healing and strength over the focus on the impact. We acknowledge that not all people may use this term or know about its history. Advocates are here to support you, so if you would prefer not to use this term, we understand. Please let us know and we will support that choice in our work together.
What is interpersonal violence?
Survivors may have previously experienced interpersonal violence. Interpersonal violence is an umbrella term used to categorize several experiences and/or crimes which are outlined below that involve violence or harm between individuals often who know one another. The harm can be relational, sexual, partner-based, or even from a friend or acquaintance. Below are the California legal definitions of types of interpersonal violence which may or may not represent all experiences:
- VAWA (violence abuse) crimes, Dating/Domestic violence, sexual assault and/or stalking.
- Sexual Assault: Sexual contact that occurs without consent of the survivor by means of force, violence, duress, menace or fear of unlawful bodily injury OR a person is prevented from resisting by an intoxicating substance OR a person is at the time unconscious of the nature of the act OR they are uncapable of giving legal consent because of a developmental or physical disability. Examples include:
- Penetration of the survivors body
- Attempted penetration of the survivors body
- Unwanted sexual touching
- Forcing a survivor to perform sexual acts on the suspects body
- California Penal Code 261 and related subsections
- Domestic or dating violence: Abuse committed against an intimate partner .The violence is physical or sexual or threatens the use of physical force against an intimate partner. California Penal Code 243(e)(1) and/or 273.5 of the penal code.
- Stalking: Repeated and unwanted following and/or harassment towards a person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear for their safety. 646.9 of the California Penal Code and 653m(a)/(b) of the Penal Code .
- Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is not a criminal crime, although it can be documented when it is connected to one of the above crimes.
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