Isla Vista Community Mobility Plan
The Isla Vista Community Mobility Plan was approved by the Isla Vista Community Services District Board of Directors on November 12, 2024.
The process to finalize the plan included meetings with UC Santa Barbarba's, the County of Santa Barbara's, Santa Barbara Metropolitan District's top leadership.
20241115_Isla Vista Community Plan.pdf20241115_Isla Vista Community Plan_Appendices.pdf
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) awarded $182,158 to IVCSD to develop an equity-based, Community Mobility Plan for Isla Vista under the Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP) Grant. IVCSD will empower Isla Vista residents to identify gaps in the mobility ecosystem, experiment with solutions, and develop a list of priority projects that will increase access to an equitable, affordable, sustainable, and safe multimodal transportation system. The Isla Vista Community Mobility Plan is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment.
The project will consist of a mobility needs assessment, community outreach, pop-ups and demonstration projects, and the creation of a plan containing a list of projects prioritized by community residents for funding and implementation.
Sub grantees include Isla Vista Youth Projects, Santa Barbara MTD, and Santa Barbara County.
Community Partners include Independent Living Resource Center, SBBIKE+COAST, UCSB Office of Sustainability, Cool/Block Empowerment Institute, Community Environmental Council, Santa Barbara County Association of Governments, Housing Authority of the County of Santa Barbara, and Isla Vista Food Cooperative.
What is your vision for this project?
We envision an equitable Isla Vista where residents of all ages and abilities are able to move through, to, and from the community safely, using a wide range of accessible and affordable clean mobility options. All of these options will be reliable, efficient, and provide easy access to work, school, and other key destinations in and around Isla Vista. Clean transportation equity will be critical to address fundamental social inequities and to build a more resilient community.
When will community outreach begin?
The Isla Vista Mobility Survey is out and the first step in gather community feedback. Various workshops, pop-ups, and demonstration events will occur from Fall 2021 - March 2023. IVCSD staff, with assistance from community partners, interns, and volunteers, will be responsible for organizing and planning community outreach and engagement activities.
How can I get involved?
This is a community-driven process and the outcomes will be shaped by resident input. We will be hosting community workshops, inviting residents to participate in surveys, hosting demonstrations and pop-up events, canvassing, and more. If you would like to volunteer please contact Sydney Casler at or 805-770-2752 ext. 1. Please sign up for our email updates and follow us on Instagram @islavistacsd & Facebook "Isla Vista Community Services District - IVCSD."
When will the Community Mobility Plan be complete?
IVCSD staff, with assistance from community partner organizations and volunteers, will be responsible for organizing, planning, and executing community outreach and engagement activities that feed into the existing conditions report, community needs assessment and community mobility plan. The Community Mobility Plan is proposed to be completed in March 2023.
Calendar of Events:
Project Steering Committee Agendas:
9.23.21 STEP Grant Meeting_Agenda.pdf10.26.21 STEP Grant Meeting_Agenda.pdf11.16.21 STEP Grant Meeting_Agenda.pdf12.16.21 STEP Grant Meeting_Agenda.pdf1.20.22 STEP Grant Meeting_Agenda.pdf2.24.22 STEP Grant Meeting_Agenda.pdf3.24.22 STEP Grant Meeting_Agenda.pdf4.28.22 STEP Grant Meeting_Agenda.pdf5.19.22 STEP Grant Meeting_Agenda.pdf6.15.22 STEP Grant Meeting_Agenda.pdf7.14.22 STEP Grant Meeting_Agenda.pdf8.17.22 STEP Grant Meeting_Agenda.pdf9.22.22 STEP Grant Meeting_Agenda.pdf10.13.22 STEP Grant Meeting_Agenda.pdf12.1.22 STEP Grant Meeting_Agenda.pdf1.19.23 STEP Grant Meeting_Agenda.pdf2.16.23 STEP Grant Meeting_Agenda.pdf3.15.23 STEP Grant Meeting_Agenda.pdf4.20.23 STEP Grant Meeting_Agenda.pdf5.18.23 STEP Grant Meeting_Agenda.pdf6.22.23 STEP Grant Meeting_Agenda.pdf2024 Project Steering Committee Schedule
You are invited to attend the monthly Sustainable Transportation Equity Project meeting. To receive the meeting agenda please contact Sydney Castaneda at
Monthly meetings will be held via Zoom
- Meeting ID: 869 6176 0171
- Passcode: 951687
Feedback on Draft Mobility & Parking Action Plans by Nov. 1st
We are excited to share with you the latest drafts of Isla Vista's first-ever Community Mobility Plan and Parking Action Plan! These plans, which have been in the works since November 2021, reflect extensive community outreach and feedback gathered through tabling, canvassing, surveys, focus groups, stakeholder meetings, pop-up events, town hall meetings, workshops, and lighting walks.
We’ve compiled all of your valuable feedback into these updated drafts which include:
- Data collected from community input, traffic studies, and current mobility patterns
- An Existing Conditions Report that outlines the current transportation and parking landscape in Isla Vista
- A Needs Assessment identifying areas for improvement and unmet community needs
- Draft recommendations designed to address those needs, including ideas for enhanced mobility, parking solutions, and infrastructure upgrades. A few draft recommendation examples include:
- Installation of traffic calming measures and enforcement of speed limits to address high vehicle speeds, erratic vehicle behaviors, and vehicles that speed past stop signs.
- One way vehicle traffic with protected or contra-flow bike lanes to safely accommodate cycling traffic. Feedback was received for Del Playa Drive, Sabado Tarde Road, and Embarcadero del Mar.
- Designated loading zones for commercial truck drivers and specifications of delivery hours for large commercial trucks in certain areas of Isla Vista.
- Clearer road markings and traffic signals at intersections for cyclists in order to improve safety for both those riding and those walking.
- Implementing a parking compliance program to ensure existing regulations are followed for safety and mobility, such as not blocking driveways, crosswalks, fire hydrants, bus stops, bike lanes, and red curbs.
- Evaluating options for Camino Majorca to enhance mobility and safety.
- Adding parking space delineators near driveways.
- Developing a Residential Permit Parking Program to alleviate parking pressures.
- Considering street sweeping parking regulations to improve cleanliness and access.
Now, we need your thoughts on these recommendations as we prepare for the next phase: implementation. Once these plans are finalized and funding is secured, we will begin turning these ideas into reality.
Please review the Draft Parking Action Plan and the Draft Mobility Action Plan here. After reviewing the Action Plans, please submit your feedback below by November 1st.
We encourage you to review the draft plans and provide your feedback by November 1st. Your input is critical to ensure these plans meet the diverse needs of our community. The plans are scheduled to be adopted by IVCSD’s Board of Directors on November 12th.
We highly value your input, and we hope you’ll take the time to share your thoughts on these final drafts. Your feedback is crucial in shaping the future of transportation and parking in Isla Vista.
Final Isla Vista Transportation Workshop on May 24 at 6pm
You are invited to help us finalize Isla Vista’s first equity-based Community Mobility Plan on Wednesday, May 24th from 6pm-8pm at the Isla Vista Community Center, located at 976 Embarcadero Del Mar. This is the last chance for public input!! The final mobility plan created from this meeting will be sent to the County of Santa Barbara for approval, as well as other community stakeholders.
The goal of the meeting is:
- To create a comprehensive list of transportation projects to be included in the mobility plan (ex: sidewalk infill on Del Playa, protected bike lane on El Colegio, etc)
- To prioritize these projects based on what is most important to the community
- To participate in group conversations and activities that will lead to making decisions on what to include in the final plan
- To discuss all forms of mobility and transportation such as parking, sidewalks, bike lanes, buses, e-scooters, and more.
- To answer any questions.
Spanish interpretation, ASL interpretation, and Mandarin interpretation will be available.
Childcare and dinner will be provided. There will be raffle prizes including a bike, a NorthFace backpack, a Hydro Flask, and a skateboard. The Community Center is wheelchair accessible and handicap parking is available in the parking lot. Please enter through the main door, located on the Southside of the Community Center.
Please RSVP here and if you have any additional questions or request additional accommodations, please contact Sydney Castaneda, Community Engagement Director, at or 805-770-2752 ext. 1.

Sustainable Transportation Pop Up on November 29 from 7am-9am & 1:30pm-4:30pm
Stop by to participate in a number of activities as we gather your feedback and ideas for improved crosswalks, bus stops, sidewalks, and more!
This intersection is part of the route to Isla Vista Elementary School so we really want to hear feedback from families about what would make this intersection safer.

Pardall Pop Up Demonstration Event on October 18 from 9am-2pm
Did you experience the Pardall Pop Up Event on 10/18? Tell us what you thought!
Join us on Tuesday, October 18th for a day of sustainable transportation improvements on Pardall! Come try out new crosswalks, bike boxes, scooter corrals, and much more!
The goal of the demonstration:
- In March of 2022, we received over 1,000 responses to our IV Mobility Survey! Many people requested more crosswalks, safer bike paths, and organized scooter parking.
- This Transportation Pop-up on Pardall is being held to allow residents of IV to try out the most-requested transportation improvements from the survey in real-time and within their own community.
- You will see volunteers along Pardall encouraging you to take a survey so we can gather even more feedback on these transportation improvements.
- IVCSD is committed to creating an Isla Vista Mobility Plan from your feedback!
Are you interested in volunteering at the event? Sign up here!
These installations will only be on Pardall for one day so be sure you stop by to learn more!

Isla Vista Mobility Plan Workshop on May 25 at 6pm
You are invited to help us develop Isla Vista’s first equity-based Community Mobility Plan on Wednesday, May 25th from 6pm-7:30pm at the Isla Vista Community Center, located at 976 Embarcadero Del Mar.
The goal of the meeting is:
- To participate in group conversations and activities that will help us improve getting around Isla Vista.
- To discuss all forms of mobility and transportation such as parking, sidewalks, bike lanes, buses, e-scooters, and more.
- To expand upon the latest community feedback received from our mobility survey.
- Share upcoming engagement opportunities and ways to get involved.
- Answer any questions.
Spanish interpretation, ASL interpretation, and Mandarin interpretation will be available. Childcare and dinner will be provided. There will be raffle prizes including a bike, a NorthFace backpack, a Hydro Flask, and a skateboard. The Community Center is wheelchair accessible and handicap parking is available in the parking lot. Please enter through the main door, located on the Southside of the Community Center.
Please RSVP here and if you have any additional questions or request additional accommodations, please contact Sydney Casler, Community Engagement Director, at or 805-770-2752 ext. 1.

IVCSD Lighting Walk on February 23 at 6pm
We will be hosting a Lighting Walk on Wednesday, February 23rd at 6pm. We will meet at the Isla Vista Community Center, provide a brief orientation, then head out in groups to assigned areas.
We will identify dim/out street lights, gaps in lighting, and anything else that would benefit future improvements. All changes will be tracked with the SeeClickFix app.
These improvements will not only build a more secure community but support pedestrian and bicycle safety throughout Isla Vista.

Meeting Recordings & Summaries:
Transportation Town Hall Recording
Transportation Town Hall Summary.pdfResumen de la Reunión Comunitaria sobre Transporte.pdfPast Events:
Virtual Isla Vista Transportation Town Hall on Wednesday, November 17th from 6pm-7pm via zoom.
If you are unable to attend, we welcome you to submit a public comment here to share with us.

Reunión del Ayuntamiento de Isla Vista sobre el transporte el miércoles 17 de noviembre de 6 pm a 7 pm a través de Zoom.
Si no puede asistir, le invitamos a que nos envíe un comentario público aquí.